Discrimination is the overt or outward manifestation of the prejudicial inclinations in our attitudinal make up. An individual can discriminate against another person, on grounds of race, religion, ethnicity or even sex. Article two of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states: "Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedom set forth in this declaration without distinction of any kind, such as race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status.
   The Game of Football is a sport that is not only played accross the World but also gets a very staunch followership from its supporters. The international football regulatory body, Federation of International Football Association (FIFA) and its constituent units have from time immemorial harped on the equality of the game, whether as it concerns Religion, sex, race or nationality. Infact, article 4 of the FIFA Statutes provides explicitly: "Discrimination of any kind against a country, private person or group of 
people on account of race, skin colour, ethnic, national or social origin, 
gender, disability, language, religion, political opinion or any other 
opinion, wealth, birth or any other status, sexual orientation or any other
reason is strictly prohibited and punishable by suspension or expulsion". Although, over the years, Football Governing Bodies (FGB's) have tried to punish groups or persons who have been found to contravene the rules of discrimination, most especially as they relate to race.  A lot of observers have opined that a lot of these punishments are not severe enough to serve as deterrent to would be offenders.
 Although, the FGB's have been able to scratch the surface with regard to issues that relate to race: however, it is very evident that the world of Football has intentionally and conveniently closed its eyes to the apparent Sexism that exists in Football. Over the years, the gulf in renumeration between Professional Female Footballers and Professional Male Footballers has continued to widen against Professional Female Footballers, without taking into account that both Male and Female Professional footballers perform the same job within the same official time limit, nevertheless, there  still exists a  profound disparity in renumeration.
 The question that continues to beg for an answer is:  this apparent discrimination in renumeration at whose door step do we lay the blame? Is it the Football Administrators? Or the Media? Or the Global Football audience? In the year 2020, the law suit brought by the United States (U.S) National Female Football team against the U.S Football Federation on grounds of unequal renumeration between Male and Female Professional Footballers was dismissed by the U.S Court. 
 Thus, I have continued to ask myself:  What is the best action to diminish this disparity in renumeration? Would it suffice to just legislate that Women should be renumerated equally as their male counterpart ? Or are there other actions that must be embarked on to eliminate this disparity ?
  As much as I agree that FGB's must do enough to upscale the salaries of Female Footballers, it begs the question: At what level can we say we have attained equal renumeration? Since players are only compensated depending on either their market or sporting value, thus, a Lionel Messi would earn more than Araujo because he has won several balon d'ors. Also, critically looking at the turnover of most Football Clubs, their profits come from their Male Soccer participation especially from TV rights, merchandise, gate takings etc. Now the question we all need to ask ourselves is: Why is the revenue inflow so superb in Male Professional Football as against their Female counterparts when indeed both perform the same function on the soccer pitch? In my opinion, this is where everyone who is concerned about curing this anomaly should be concerned in advocating that FGB's do enough in sensitizing and educating the global football audience and getting them accustomed to the fact that there is nothing abnormal with a group of Ladies kicking about the round leather object.
  Some days ago, I did a quick observation and took my continent as a case study. It would interest you to know that in most countries in Africa, the idea of a female Football League sounds strange and Even those who have an existing Women's League, the organization is shabby and you get the sentiment that it is only being done to fullfil all righteousness. Take for example the Nigeria women's Football League (NWFL)  as against the Men's league that has over 20 teams competing for over 38 weeks; however the Women's league is graced with a maximum of twelve teams played under an abridged system between 4-6 weeks. And even as it pertains to most of the prominent school leagues in Nigeria, there is majorly, only accommodation for school boys to compete and not their female counterparts. This trend can also be observed in other parts of the continent and even other countries outside Africa. In fact, this is where the seed of discrimination against female footballers is planted. How can you explain to an adolescent that it's almost an abomination for young ladies to play football at the school park but all of a sudden you want him when he grows up to subscribe to watch female soccer on TV or buy a season ticket to watch a group of women playing football.
  If we are going to make any effort in curing the discrimination that female footballers suffer from the global football audience which continues to affect the income of the players, a lot of advocacy is needed in ensuring that   the same number of Local competitions organized by football and sporting authorities for young male footballers same number should be reciprocated for their female counterparts. This is one of the major ways we can end discrimination against female footballers, in ensuring that football fans at the local level get to understand that there is nothing extraordinary with women playing football and understanding the fact they expend almost the same level of energy as their male counterparts.
 A lot of prospective and existing female footballers are also victims of established cultural and religious limitations in their respective societies. Women in these societies are prohibited from playing football and are not allowed entrance into their respective stadias. This would not only limit female partipation in these societies in football, but would also kill the popularity of female football in these societies. Thus, a lot of advocacy is needed in educating a lot of countries, government and communities that there is nothing out of the world seeing women play football.
Finally, as much as we continue to pile pressure on world football leaders to ensure that there is a semblance of equal pay in football, a lot of efforts should be put in place to educate and speak to different stakeholders at different levels to ensure that there is equal treatment of male and female footballers.

Barr. Olubor Uyi
Sports legal expert
CEO Etoile Gestion du sportive 


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